

The Kel Tec P-3AT is one of the most under-recognized compact pistols out there. It is the lightest .380 auto pistol around but, as you know, little guns are still great for packing a punch. Being a leading pistol among both concealed carriers and law officers, a good holster is needed to go along with the Kel Tec P-3AT. While I am excited to talk to you about a few great options, I want to start by sharing my favorite.

The Desantis Ambi Nemesis Holster is my top choice when it comes to the best Kel Tec P-3AT holster. Being a pocket gun, the pocket holster works great for it and is virtually undetectable and you will hardly be able to feel that it is there.

Of course, there are many other options to go over that might work for you, if you’d prefer something else. Before moving on to talk about those other options, however, I would like to go over the issue of accidental and negligent discharge.

Accidental and Negligent Discharge Due to Holsters

Did you know that a common reason for unintentional discharge has to do with the holster? According to an article by usa.carry, “One of the most common sources of negligent or accidental discharges is something entering the trigger guard.”

While it may seem unlikely that this will happen, you’d be surprised by the amount of stories there are where the holster played a part in an accidental or negligent discharge. In order to avoid such a situation, let’s go over a few different ways this is possible, and what needs to be done to prevent it.

Holster Design

The design of the holster plays an important part in firearm safety and the prevention of sidearm malfunctions. If your holster is not right for your gun, not only will you experience difficulty in it fitting, you can also experience dangerous trigger accidents or damage to your firearm.

Holster Fit with Aftermarket Parts

If you like to add snazzy aftermarket equipment to your gun, it is now something entirely different than it was before. This means a holster that might have fit previously might not now due to the added features.

You want to make sure you pick a holster that will fit your firearm, even with these aftermarket features. The results of one that is even slightly off can be an accidental discharge due. If the trigger was affected by the changes you’ve made, the retention device may not sit right and the results can be catastrophic.

Modifying a Holster

Holsters are built a specific way for specific types of guns. Any changes to its structure will affect the functionality, shape, and overall safety. Be sure you or someone with you has experience with this kind of thing.

Making modifications to a holster, especially beyond the recommendations of the manufacturer, can be dangerous if not done properly. Always stay within the recommended allowance, for your own safety.

Holster Wear

Leather holsters are known for being stiff when first bought as brand new, and they often need to be broken in. That is why it is a pleasant experience to get one already worn in. However, if buying a used holster, you’ll want to check it for any excessive wear.

Things like missing stitches, a flat holster, or misshaped form are red flags that tell you to find another one. The retention flap or or strap is another issue to watch, as it can fall into the trigger guard.

If the leather bends or folds because it is too soft, this can also get caught in the trigger guard and ultimately cause a discharge.

One example is a man who was in the car with his wife after breakfast one morning. The sound of his gun going off startled them both, and after making sure no one was fatally injured they inspected the situation. It turned out his holster had folded into the trigger guard and sent a round off.

Holster Recalls

Just like everything else out there, holsters can have recalls on them due to manufacturing error. These can be very serious problems, as issues involved can cause your a discharge whether your weapon is holstered or being drawn.

Always do your research before buying a holster. It’s not too hard to find recalls, whether you punch in a quick search, check forums, or the manufacturer website. It is better to prevent a problem now rather than after-the-fact.

Things in the Trigger Guard

As I stated at the start of this section, the main issue with accidental discharges while a gun is holstered is due to something being in the trigger guard. While I have mentioned leather holsters folding and the strap getting caught in the guard, there are other factors to consider.

Wearing your holster between a tucked-in undershirt and another garment can cause an issue if you are not careful. The materials can fold and bunch, thus getting caught in the trigger guard.

Another cause could be a drawstring from a hoodie or the likes. Regardless of how obscure that may seem, it is possible and that is why it is important to be aware of what is near your holster.

Avoiding Negligent Discharge

While you have read a few ways of preventing the issue of negligent discharge in this article already, there is one other very important step to take in preventing the occurrence of something like this.

That is frequent inspection of your holster and firearm. Negligent discharge happens in many ways aside from holster issues, but the holster itself cannot be ignored. That’s why it is important to check the retention mechanisms, materials, stitching, and overall structural integrity of the holster on frequent occasion. Along with that, never procrastinate inspecting your gun as well.

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